Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often should I get my heat pump professionally serviced?

Between six months to every two years, depending on how often it gets used and the environment it's in. For example, a heat pump that gets used every day and is in a place with a lot of dust or other aerosols that can be sucked into the indoor unit, six monthly servicing would be recommended.

Will one high wall heat pump heat my whole house?

High Wall Heat Pumps are designed to only heat and cool the room they are in. Occasionally you will get some flow on to other rooms. Ducted systems or Multi Split Systems are great ways to heat and cool multiple rooms.

Should a High Wall Heat Pump be put in a hallway to heat multiple rooms?

High Wall Heat Pumps are designed only to heat and cool the room they are in. Installing one in a hallway in our experience is not an effective way to heat and cool other rooms such as bedrooms. Ducted systems or Multi Split Systems are great ways to heat and cool multiple rooms.

What is a basic back to back installation?

A basic back to back installation consists of the indoor unit being installed on an outside wall of a single level building and the outdoor unit installed directly behind mounted on the ground.
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